Scientist have determined, at the time of birth, a healthy child has a life expectancy of approximately 114 years. Whether we make it to the ripe old age of 114 is determined by the type lifestyle factors we choose to pursue.
The following list was determined by the National Institute of Health (NIH). It is not a complete list, but highlight some of the more dramatic lifestyles. The additions and subtractions impact our projected 114 year life span dramatically.
Factors Influencing Life Expectancy
1. Mother lived to be 80 - add 4 years
2. Father lived to be 80 - add 2 years
3. Parent, grandparent, or sibling died of cardiovascular disease before age 50 - subtract 4 years
4. Parent, grandparent, or sibling died of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, ulcer, stomach cancer, or breast cancer before age 60 - subtract 2 years for each
5. Above average intelligence - add two years
6. More than 30% overweight - subtract 5 years
7. Eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, and stops eating before feeling full - add 1 year
8. Smoke two or more packs of cigarettes a day - subtract 12 years. Smokes between one and two packs a day - subtract 7 years. Smoke less than a pack a day - subtract 2 years
9. Moderate or light drinker of alcohol - add 2 years. Heavy drinker - subtract 8 years
10. Exercise briskly at least three times a week - add 3 years
11. Graduate from college - add 4 years. Attend college but did not graduate - add 2 years.
12. Works as a professional or manager - add 1 year. Works as an unskilled laborer - subtract 4 years.
13. Income above average for age and occupation - add 1 year. Income below average - sub tract 1 year.
14. Over 60 and still working - add 2 years
15. Married and living with spouse - add 1 year
16. Men: Separated or divorced and living alone - subtract 9 years (not alone - subtract 4 years). Widowed and living alone - subtract 7 years (not alone - subtract 3 years).
17. Women: Separated or divorced and living alone - subtract 4 years. Widowed and living alone - subtract 3 years (not alone - subtract 2 years).
18. Never married woman - subtract 1 year for every decade after age 25
19. Never married man - subtract two years for every decade past age 25 living alone
20. Personality: Aggressive - subtract 5 years. Depressive - subtract 2 years. Flexible - add two years. Happy - add 2 years. Risk-taking (e.g. leaves seat belts unfastened, takes a dare) subtract 2 years
21. Has at least two close friends - add 1 year
Let’s see. According to the NIH, we began with a life expectancy of 114 years. If you smoke two packs a day, never graduated from high school, are overweight, live alone, a boozer and have a Type A personality you’ll be lucky to live through puberty.
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