I have a theory that the Republicans lost the last Presidential race on purpose because they knew there was really no plausible way of immediately solving the financial crisis so they’d simply let the Democrats look bad, blame it all on them and they’d clean-up during the next election. In 2012 -if they win- they’ll get to roll-out their “trickle-down” theory once again.
As you may expect, the implementing is always much more difficult than the planning. I suggest they look at it based upon the average American household’s planning for their budget, in fact, it should be a carbon copy of the annual Crenshaw family budget process.
Every year we set an absolute deadline for setting our budget for the year. At some point, dangerously near deadline, we caucus around the dining room table and begin making great plans. Nothing definite yet, but terrific plans.
We know we’re going to spend some money next year and we aren’t sure yet what all we’ll spend it on, but... that hasn’t stopped us in the past.
We do know that we’ll have to make some spending cuts, but since various hardheaded family members can’t agree on whether to cut prescriptions, fix the old car or get a new one, continue retirement, unplug the high speed internet hook-up, getting a better camera or selling the dog, we generally decide, not to decide. We generally agree to raise revenues but unfortunately, we haven’t decided how to do that either. But in order to avoid a household shutdown, we’ve decided to go ahead and pay this month’s bills and worry about the details later. However, we do decide that personally printing more money is out of the question.
Scary isn’t it?
Trivia question of the day
(Try it without Google)
The answer will be in tomorrow’s blog.
Yesterday’s Question: What singer memorized every line of dialog in the movie Patton? Elvis
Today’s Trivia: Sticking with the musical theme, for a period of two years, what singer reported ate nothing but meat loaf, mashed potatoes and tomatoes?
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